Sunday, 20 November 2011

Conference Biography - Jo Adams of Jo Adams Coaching & Harvey McMillan Associates

Jo believes that in addition to good interpersonal and technical skills, leaders need to develop a full range of skills including HR skills.  So as well as running her own consultancy which works with individuals and organisations to help them achieve their objectives and improve performance through coaching, she is also a director of Harvey McMillan Associates who provide innovative and dynamic HR support.

Jo’s focus is on managing organisational, team and personal change in a flexible and innovative way which is tailored to the individual. With Harvey McMillan Associates she provides leadership development through a mix of coaching and training. Here the focus is on authentic leadership, coaching for success, motivating others, resilience and self-care for leaders and strategic vision.

Jo is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development, and the Association for Coaching.  She is accredited to deliver DISC psychometric profiling and is a qualified Executive and Personal Performance Coach.

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