Tuesday, 20 March 2012

SfG and Plexus Teaser Event - Inverness 13th March

On 13th of March we were treated into a real insight into what makes a successful collaboration by Plexus and SfG Software that had recently worked together, with HSPC, on a project to redevelop the way HSPC provided information to their customers via their website and through their shop in Inverness City Centre.

David Garvie from SfG talked about how he was initially approached by HSPC after they had been visited by a consultant ITspecialist from Edinburgh who had proposed a very expensive solution to the issues they were having. David visited HSPC shortly after this initial contact and then put together a proposal which looked at what they were currently doing - much of which worked really well infact. Instead of advising them to reinvent the wheel he advised them to fix the 20% which wasn't working as they wished. This turned into a project that involved Plexus Media who provided the website and quite a bit of the technical support they currently used and were very happy with infact, the main issue was that they had a separate system which didn't work in tandem with Plexus and this caused lots of issues keeping the systems up to date, in sync etc.

It was interesting to hear David say that some businesses may have gone in and been tempted to take the "whole" job but SfG are a business that are very clear on what they do but also very importantly, what they don't do. With this in mind he felt very comfortable working with Plexus having met Dave Newman several times and feeling they had lots in common and their business shared the same values.

The collaboration was infact done very informally and this suited all involved. However, without trust, without shared values it was felt the collaboration would not have been as successful. In some ways the event was a lesson in how to find partners to work with successfully - it's not about referral schemes necessarily, it's not about percentages it's about what you can do together, how you can give a better service by utilising expertise and recognising where your business skills and that of your collaborator lie so you can use them effectively.

We had a very interesting discussion around tendering, collaborative working, partnerships which was very helpful and enlightening.

Thanks very much to David Garvie and Dave Newman for an excellent event with some extremely fine cakes too. Here at Fusion we look forward to seeing how this great partnership will develop in the future.

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