Thursday 17 November 2011

Intellectual Assets Centre - Attending Rising From Recession

How can we help?

The IA Centre offers a range of services and is available to your businesses, irrespective of your size, sector, age or geographic spread in Scotland. In addition to the interactive website with its many resources and tools to help you understand IA and your business's needs in IA Management, the IA Centre also offers: 1-2-1 advice and guidance, group activities including conferences and workshops, and publications and research.
Advice & Guidance
Policy Making ovrInfRes Research ovrResPub Publications ovrSuppPub Support to companies ovrEvtSupp Events ovrToolsEvt Tools ovrAdvTools Advice & guidance ovrAdvInf outTopLeft outBottotmLeft outBottomRight outTopRight outBottom
Rollover the names of our key services and click to find out more about what we do at the IA Centre...
Advice and guidance on all IA and IA management issues

assess your intellectual assets

You need to know where to look for your IA and be sure that you can recognise them when you find them! Only thereafter can you start to leverage them for competitive advantage.

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