Thursday, 17 November 2011

Harvey McMillan - Attending Rising From Recession

About us

Harvey McMillan was formed early in 2010 by founding Director, Martha Simpson.  Jo Adams joined the Comany as a fellow director in January, 2011.
Martha & Jo
We believe that our backgrounds, values and experience bring a unique blend of professionalism and pragmatism to our work with clients. It is our philosophy that successful businesses are built by dynamic people, and that successful leaders need dynamic and motivated followers.  Innovative and dynamic HR support is integral to this process.
We have significant private, public and not for profit sector experience at Board level and Director and CEO level.  We share a clear vision of the importance of innovative and dynamic people policies for sustainable business success.
We combine business growth focus with a values based approach.  We embrace these values within a culture of fun, energy, nurture and innovation.  We aspire to delight our customers with the service we provide.

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