Saturday, 27 August 2011

Cromarty 2 for 1 Event

On Tuesday 23rd August a few Fusion members gathered at the Sutors Creek restaurant in Cromarty to hear the latest updates from Plexus Media and Calico about their businesses. We heard all about Spanglefish the next generation which sounds really exciting and a big but important step for Plexus. We enjoyed a delicious pizza lunch and then strolled up the street to visit Plexus. Unfortunately there were no buns available but it was good to see how the communal desk helped communication. Then it was off to Calico to have a look at their office which unlike Plexus involves people working separately. Mark couldn't resist calling in at Cromarty Bakery on the way back and loaded up with cakes - it must have been all that bun talk.

Fusion teasers are events held by members to promote their business and promoted through Fusion. They are great way to showcase new developments, new products and services.