Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Joint Fusion and Highland Business Womens Club Event 1st of June 2011

Fusion once again joined forces with the Highland Business Womens Club for an evening of facilitated discussion at the Contrast Brasserie.

We were delighted to host four discussions. Dr Kate McDonald hosted a great discussion about Intellectual Property, Allan Simpson of The Results Academy hosted a lively discussion on marketing, Jo Adams of Harvey McMillan covered all things employment and people releated and Melanie Newdick of Fusion did a more general session on growing your business.

Conversations ranged widely in the growing your business discussion. Several businesses had made some radical changes to adapt to the change in business climate and had managed to keep going but had reduced their overheads, or improved their income in a variety of ways. Some businesses had improved during the recession particularly those where people involved were people looking for a secondary income.

Gumtree came up in a discussion as a good recruitment tool as it can be targetted to specific areas and people on there are actively looking for jobs.

There was a great range of businesses at the event and we discussed getting more customers for a gallery, how a clothing retailer could combine online and shop sales, selling property and how to carve out a niche.

Social media was also discussed and whilst it was felt this took a lot of time it wasn't always clear how to establish the results of this activity. As promised here is a link to a useful article about trying to measure the return from Facebook

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